Technical Mujahid

Mohammed Mujahid Al Salah foundation for General Contracting: Mohammed Mujahid Al Salah foundation for General Contracting is looking forward to maintain its position as a pioneer foundation in building contracting (Construction – demolition – Restoration – repair) as well as road jobs, electrical jobs, mechanical jobs and general contracting in Saudi Arabia. It is necessary to satisfy our customers and even go beyond the requirements of our customers in terms of quality and performance and in terms of the duration of doing job and the cost of products and services that we provide. The implementation of these policies actually ensures that we are steadfast on the principle of applying the requirements of quality and performance for customers in an effective manner in terms of cost and duration.

On June 7, 2014, the Al-Fajr Technical Committee (FTC) released an Android version of its 'Amn Al-Mujahid ('The Mujahid's Security') encryption program. The al-Fajr Information Center, a jihadi organization, recently published the February 2007 issue of Technical Mujahid, a magazine released once every two months that. The magazine discusses various technical topics, such as security for electronic data and databases, using GPS, and video editing and production. Some articles are aimed at professionals, and others for laymen.

Technical mujahid

Technical Mujahid

Technical MujahidTechnical

Technical Mujahid

Mujahid Mohammed Al-Salah Chairman of the Board of Directors. Viper racing and motorsports.