Prepositions Of Time And Place Pdf

Imaginative ESL EFL activities, games and worksheets to help teach students prepositions of time, time expressions and prepositional time phrases.

  1. Prepositions Of Time And Place In Pdf
  2. Preposition Of Place Exercise

Hide and Seek ESL EFL Listening and Speaking Activity - Elementary - 25 Minutes In this enjoyable activity, students play a game where they ask yes/no questions with prepositions of place to find out where objects are hidden in the classroom. Before you start the activity, you will need two small objects. One object should be singular (e.g.

Prepositions of place worksheets pdf

A key) and the other should be plural (e.g. Some scissors). The students are divided into teams of three or four. The teams take it in turns to leave the classroom while the two objects are hidden somewhere in the room.

Prepositions Of Time And Place Pdf

When the team comes back into the classroom, they ask yes/no questions with prepositions of place to find out where the singular object is hidden, e.g. 'Is the key under something?' 'Is it on something?' When the team has found the singular object, they ask questions to locate the plural object, e.g. 'Are the scissors in something?'

Prepositions Of Time And Place In Pdf


The aim of the game is to find both objects by asking the least number of questions. Teams receive a point every time they ask a question. The team with the lowest number of points wins the game. For a small class, students can work on their own rather than in teams. Exclusive Picasso ESL EFL Reading, Listening and Drawing Activity - Elementary - 30 Minutes In this engaging worksheet activity, students practice prepositions of place by following instructions and drawing objects in certain positions in a picture frame. The students are divided into two groups (A and B) and each student is given a corresponding worksheet.

Working alone, the students follow the instructions on their worksheet and draw objects in the top picture frame. When the students have finished, they compare their drawings with the other people in their group and check the positions are correct. Each student then pairs up with someone from the other group.

Student A then reads the instructions on their worksheet to Student B. Student B listens and draws the objects in the bottom picture frame. When Student A has read out all the instructions, the students swap roles. Afterwards, the students compare their pictures with their partner and check the positions are correct. As an extension, the students add new objects to their top picture frame and dictate further instructions to their partner.

Free Prepositions of Place Dominoes ESL EFL Matching and Speaking Activity - Elementary - 25 Minutes In this fun teaching activity, students play a game of dominoes to practice the prepositions of place: in, on,. The students are divided into groups of three and each group is given a set of dominoes. The students shuffle the dominoes and deal out five each, leaving the rest in a pile face down. The top domino from the pile is put face up on the table.

Preposition Of Place Exercise

The first player then puts down one of their dominoes on either side of the domino on the table, making sure that the preposition of place matches with the noun (or vice versa) to make a prepositional phrase. If the player matches the preposition of place successfully, he or she scores a point. For an extra point, the player then uses the prepositional phrase in a sentence.

The other players then take it in turns to match their dominoes in the same way by putting them down at either end of the domino chain and making a suitable sentence when a prepositional phrase is formed. If a player cannot put down one of their dominoes, they take one from the top of the pile and put it down if they can. If there are no dominoes left in the pile, play passes to the next student. If a prepositional phrase is wrong, the player must take back the domino and play passes to the next student. When a player has no more dominoes left in their hand, the game ends.

The students then add up their scores. The player with the most points wins the game. Afterwards, the students can shuffle the dominoes and play another round.

Free Where are the objects? ESL EFL Reading, Writing and Matching Activity - Elementary - 45 Minutes Here is a great activity to help teach the prepositions of place: on, under, in, in front of, next to and beside. In the activity, students write sentences about where objects are located and play a game of dominoes by matching the sentences with pictures and vice-versa. Each group of three is given a dominoes worksheet and a belongings worksheet.

The groups begin by writing sentences about the locations of objects in pictures on the dominoes. They do this by referring to the belongings worksheet to see who each item belongs to, e.g. 'Liam's book is on the table', etc. When each group has finished writing, they give their dominoes to another group. Each player takes five dominoes each. The rest of the dominoes are placed face down in a pile.

The top domino from the pile is then placed face up on the table. The first player puts down one of their dominoes on either side of the domino on the table, making sure that their picture or sentence matches with the domino on the table.

The other players then take it in turns to match their dominoes in the same way by putting them down at either end of the domino chain. The first player to get rid of all their dominoes wins the game. Exclusive Where are these places?

ESL EFL Listening and Speaking Activity - Elementary - 15 Minutes In this compelling worksheet activity, students practice prepositions of place by describing the locations of shops and buildings on a street map. The students are divided into pairs (A and B) and each student is given a corresponding worksheet. Students take it in turns to ask their partner about the location of the missing shops and buildings on their worksheet, e.g. 'Where is the pizza restaurant?' Their partner then uses prepositions of place to describe the location of the shop and the student marks the location described on their map. When the students have finished, they check the locations by comparing worksheets.

Exclusive At the Shopping Mall ESL EFL Reading and Listening Activity - Pre-intermediate - 20 Minutes In this intriguing problem-solving activity, students listen to clues containing prepositions of place and work out where various places are located in a shopping mall. The class is divided into groups of four. Each group is given a shopping mall floor plan and each student is given a set of clues. The students take it in turns to read out their clues to the group.

The group then tries to work out where the various places are located and an assigned student marks their answers on the floor plan. When the groups have completed the floor plan, the answers are checked with the class. Free Prepositions of Place ESL EFL Reading, Writing and Speaking Activity - Pre-intermediate - 25 Minutes In this insightful worksheet activity, students use the topic of preferences and habits to practice the prepositions of place: in, on,. Each student is given a copy of the worksheet.

Students begin by completing gaps in sentences about preferences and habits with the prepositions of place: in, on,. When the students have finished, the answers are checked with the class. Students then complete the grammar rules associated with the prepositions of place. After that, the students tick the statements in Exercise A that are true for them and write three more sentences about their preferences and habits using prepositions of place.

The students are then divided into groups of four. In their groups, the students find out which preferences and habits they have in common and then give feedback to the class. Free This is Asia ESL EFL Listening and Speaking Activity - Pre-intermediate - 30 Minutes In this engaging teaching activity, students play a game where they ask yes/no questions with prepositions of place in order to locate countries on a map.

The students are divided into pairs (A and B) and each student is given a copy of a map of Asia. Student A secretly chooses one country on the map and writes the name of the country on a piece of paper. Student B then asks up to ten yes/no questions in order to locate the country, e.g. 'Is it on the coast?' 'Is it in the Pacific Ocean?' 'Is it above the equator?'

'Is it next to China?' Student A answers yes or no accordingly. The student also keeps track of how many questions Student B asks. If Student B finds the country by asking ten questions or less, he or she scores one point. If Student B is unable to locate the country after ten questions have been asked, Student A scores one point. Afterwards, the students swap roles. The first student to score ten points wins the game.

Exclusive Where are the carrots? ESL EFL Reading, Listening and Matching Activity - Pre-intermediate - 20 Minutes In this brainteaser activity, students listen to clues containing prepositions of place and work out where various fruits and vegetables are located on a stall.

The class is divided into groups of four. Each group is given a copy of a stall plan and each student is given a set of clues.

The students take it in turns to read out their clues to the group. The group then tries to work out where the various fruits and vegetables are placed on the stall in order to find out the location of the carrots. When the groups have finished, the answers are checked with the class by drawing the stall on the board and having the students label each box. Exclusive Where is your classroom? ESL EFL Reading, Matching and Writing Activity - Pre-intermediate - 25 Minutes This challenging worksheet activity is ideal for reviewing prepositions of place.

Each student is given a copy of a floor plan and a worksheet containing clues to the location of each room. Students read the clues and label the rooms on the floor plan. When the students have finished, the answers are checked with the class by drawing the floor plan on the board and having the students label each room. Afterwards, the students write a description of the location of their classroom and then read out their descriptions to the class.