Normalized Pdf Matlab

I am trying to plot a probability density function showing the distribution of scattered protons passing through a planar detector. I think this should look somewhat like a Gaussian distribution. My data has x-y coordinates for each time a particle passes through the plane. I've plotted a histogram showing the distance of each data point from the origin (0,0). The plot dips in the center even though this is where the beam should be strongest. I think that the probability plot needs to be normalized based on the circumference.

Normalizing a histogram. But how can you normalize the measurements on the y axis in a histogram? So that they can overlay a PDF for comparison. I don't understand why there is a difference between the pdf and the normalized histogram (based on randn) I plotted in matlab. Especially from -2 to -3 the.

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For example, if 100 protons strike the center (0,0) of the detector and 200 protons strike 10cm from the center, the center should show a higher density because the protons at 10cm are more spread out. Is there an easy way to correct for this in Matlab?

Esko Normalized Pdf


The histogram should be normalized to unit area so that it can be compared with the theoretical pdf.