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Version: New: LayoutControl added. LayoutControl helps you create resolution and DPI independent user interface data entry forms. Please read:. New: ComboTree added support for binding simple types (string, int etc.) in List through DataSource. New: ColumnHeader.HeaderSizeChanged event will fire when column is auto-sized using mouse double-click. New: Added horizontal Mouse Wheel scrolling to MetroTilePanel control.


New: SuperGrid: Added SuperGridGroupByWaterMarkText localization key. New: ButtonItem.AccessKeyEnabled which control mnemonic, access key processing for button only. New: Bar.ProcessMnemonics property added which controls mnemonic processing for whole Bar control. New: Added SuperValidator.DefaultErrorProviderHighlighterIconPadding property which specifies default ErrorProvider IconPadding when Highlighter is used with SuperValidator. Setting this property to 0 will allow you to set IconPadding for each control manually. New: KnobControl: Added KnobIndicatorPointerBorder properties.

New: AdvPropertyGrid PropertySettings.TypeConverter property added to enable assigning custom TypeConverter for property. New: KeyboardControl.CaptionHeight property added which controls the height of the keyboard caption. New: OfficeForm, MetroForm HideMdiSystemMenu property added, default value true, which hides the system MDI Child Menu. New: Adding some Accessibility support to DockContainerItem. New: SuperGrid: Added new property 'EnableDiscreteBoundRows', which will permit individual bound IList rows to be of different base object types. New: ButtonItem and ButtonX SymbolColor added to specify explicit symbol color. New: AdvTree.AllowExternalDrop property added to specify whether internal drag and drop accepts the nodes from other AdvTree controls.

New: SuperGrid: Added user access to GridPanel GetEffectiveStyle method. New: SuperGrid: Added.minimal. support for data bound lists from a derived interface. New: Symbols updated and new added. Now there are 361 symbols included. New: RadialMenuItem support for Commands added.

New: RibbonControl.AutoUpdatePadding property added which indicates whether control automatically updates Padding property for the Ribbon and RibbonPanel based on style. Default value is true. Fixed: AdvPropertyGrid was removing custom set editors on properties if they internally use TextBoxDropDown control. Fixed: SuperGrid caches the styles which causes its display not to reflect later StyleManager.ColorTint changes. Fixed: MetroForm non-client area not refreshing when global style changes. Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed a row updating issue when non-bound sub-rows were added to bound data rows.

Fixed: Setting PageSlider.ScrollBarVisibility property before the control handle is created might cause scrollbar bounds to be incorrect and corrected only after the selected page or control size is changed. Fixed: AdvTree Column Sorting under certain very specific use cases might end up in recursive calls to perform control layout.

Fixed: TextBoxX will not call ResetBackColor when FocusHighlightEnabled is set to False to reset the BackColor back to default. Fixed: Double-click on Close button floats the Bar. Fixed: SuperGrid: Fixed an auto-sizing issue with bound, VirtualMode grids. Fixed: KeyboardControl will not explicitly process the keyboard hiding through touch using mouse events to avoid passing mouse message to any control underneath.

Fixed: SuperGrid when used with touch scrolling does not scroll all the way to the bottom of the grid under certain usage cases. Fixed: SuperTabStrip: Fixed an issue where clearing all tabs would not clear/reset the currently active tab properly. Fixed: Fixing ListViewEx check-box position in Large Icon mode.

Easeus Data Recovery Wizard 11.5 Crack

Fixed: AdvTree.GridColumnLineResizeEnabled=true and GridLines=true does not allow the last column to be resized using grid-lines. Fixed: SuperGrid: FilterPopup was not honoring user set ResizeMode for popup dropdown.